random ramblings

precious Pinocchio

she is a rock salt dressed as sugar

gleefully dishonest

superficial charm her armour

she parades in fake cries

spewing lies as she breathes

constantly complaining she is tired

exhausted from her own concoction of lies

so habitual she is lost

and started believing her own twisted truth

creating drama is her sport

playing victim is her ploy

the un-favoured, the overworked

an “angel” always craving chaos

her importunate ways will drive you cray

(forced to) give her the right hand she demands

she will bite it as she feeds

and if your lucky, her ingratitude

will drain your spirit till it no longer bleed

she is a clumsy manipulator

wearing a see-through layered mask

leaving evidence in her tracks

but she has the effrontery to continue her act

showing up as she fraudulently scheme

dragging the innocent bun

so sickening

how do you manage to sleep

oh sweet mistress of lies and deceit


i shoot too

festival of lights

IMG_6235 DSC_5772 DSC_5762 DSC_5756 DSC_5744

I may be feeling in the dark right now. This is simply a reminder that nighttime ain’t too bad and won’t last long, and that it’s not what you have on the outside that glitters in light, it’s what you have on the inside that shines in the dark.

<Wellington LUX is a free public light festival that turns Wellington’s waterfront and laneways into a captivating celebration of light, art, technology and design-http://lux.org.nz>



i shoot too

(while) on the move


there’s this filipino idiomatic expression that says “namamangka sa dalawang ilog” which according to google translate means “boating on two rivers.” this idiom is usually used when referring to two timing ass****s. No, this is not about cheaters and i am not giving a lecture on filipino literature (not my turf). this however is what i feel when it comes to “home.” they say home is where the heart is and as per the last time i checked my heart belongs to two places. i cannot decide between the two nor get enough of either one. always my bemused plight while i’m among these clouds.

